Wings of the Legend single by JAM Project

The single for the opening song to Original Generations 2, Wings of the Legend by JAM Project is now out. In usual JAM Project fashion, the chorus is quite epic, but the rest of the song has some weird pacing issues. Have a listen for yourself.

What’s not included in this clip is the HORRIBAD Engrish introduction that goes for a good 40 seconds. But back to the song, it starts strong…then almost restarts itself about a third of the way through, then ends really strong again. It’s still a great song, but I find it’s arranged in a really weird way.


  1. Helios

    Do you really think the english in this one is that bad? I find it way better than the engrish in other music they made for SRW…

  2. YJ

    I find it quite bad…which other ones are you referring to?

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