The Jedi Knight Chronicles – Part 2

So last time on the Jedi Knight Chronicles, I just arrived on Coruscant, captial of the Republic....


So why am I here again? No screenshots, but it seems the Republic has a shit-ton of WMDs in development, one of which is right here on Coruscant. Dubbed the “Planet Prison”, it basically stops any ship from being able to leave a planet.


Speaking of which, I had a choice of an advanced class before. Sentinel. C'mon TWO lightsabers man!


Twi'lek dancers are the best!


The main quest here has me looking for Dr. Tarnis, the lead scientist in charge of the Planet Prison project.


A few quests later and I pick myself up my first Jedi hoodie. What I really hate is that there' s no option to turn of the hood, leaving most Jedi Knights looking the same.


Eventually I have to rescue a Padawan, Kira Carsen, and she becomes my 2nd companion character.


I finally locate the Planet Prison research lab...turns out that Tarnis is actually a friggen SITH LORD and has made off with the weapon. DUN DUN DUN


I could go looking for him...or I could do some more Heroic quests instead. Like this "Trouble in Deed" quest. Surely some guy's deed is more important than saving the planet?


Of course! Especially when said quest rewards an even more ridiculous hoodie.


All right, all right, time to go stop this Sith Lord.


The final showdown takes place in the ruins of the old Jedi Temple on Coruscant. Unfortunately I don't have screenshots of the confrontation, but after murderizing Tarnis, his Sith Lord father Darth Angral is pissed off to and vows to kill me. Talk about salty.


"Good work soldier...err BTW we have more loose WMDs on other planets, can fix k thx?" That pretty much sums it up.


And to get there, I'm given a ship to command.


Next time on Jedi Knight chronicles...where the hell am I supposed to go next?!


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