MG Zaku II F2: WIP Part 2

The Murphy’s law of Gunpla Building – shit will always get lost or broken.

Writeup after the jump.

I find this kt has a few posability problems. I find it actually kinda hard for it to stand upright without rocking about.

Anyway I also discovered that “Zaku Green” is really fucking hard to get right. It’s really light green which is borderline white, but when you’re painting it, it just never seems to be light enough. The colour is actually a bit darker than what you see in these pictures. Overall I’m kinda happy with the final result though. The light green parts were first done with a base coat of Gunze Bright Green, followed by White + a bit of Bright Green. I wasn’t happy with the colour of this so I switched to White + a bit of Yellow Green instead as recommended by the manual.

Dark Green parts were done with first a base coat of Green, followed by White + a bit of Green + a bit of Middle Grey + a bit of Black.

So what went wrong this time? I lost the piece which holds the mono eye in the head. So I had to replace it with a polycap instead. This makes the eye slit a bit larger than normal. Also I accidentally got some primer onto the visor, and I couldn’t get it nice and clear again, so I decided not to use it in the end. I think the eye looks better without it anyway.

All that’s left to paint now is the bazooka, machine gun, and the backpack cover. That and a bit more of flat coat, since the kit still looks a bit too shiny. Hopefully that will all be done this weekend.

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