MG Kyrios Gundam WIP #4

Hi all, hope you are enjoying these WIPs and the random shots of my backyard. Today I’ll be painting most of the inner frame of the Kyrios, at least the parts of the frame that I”ve designated will be metallic.

I’m using Gaia Starbright Iron thinned with their special Metallic Master thinner. Spraying straight onto the plastic with no priming since most of the frame will be hidden. Since plastic surface is mostly smooth (except for the sections with the nubs) it helps with the overall metallic finish. Don’t forget to mask off the moving pegs though!

Some of the more “exposed” parts of the frame will be painted using a slightly different technique, for example I’m including this blade inside the shield. Normally it comes molded in white, but I’m going to make it a high gloss steel.

For these parts, first I hit them with Gaianotes EX Black until I get a high gloss.

Finally a very thin and light coats of SMS Stainless Steel. The flakes in this paint are miniscule and if you can get your black undercoat to be really glossy, you can get some very nice shiny metallic finishes.

Time for panel lines and various other bits of detailing. I used to hate working with enamels…actually I still kinda hate working with enamels, they’re pretty messy to work with and I just hate gunking up my kits. But I’m also pretty lazy, and using the wash technique is some very low hanging fruit if you’re after that bit of extra details without masking. Basically instead of using the typical panel line wash like Tamiya Accent Line, I airbrush Tamiya enamel straight into all the panel lines and then wipe it away with Zippo fluid afterwards. I kinda prefer doing panels this way because I find that when you airbrush it on it dries much faster can it can fill certain details better, while the premix Accent Line very inconsistent, sometimes it will be too thick or too thin.

So that’s pretty much it for the WIPs, I spent about 5 hours applying decals and then sprayed some GX-114 Super Smooth Flat as a top coat. Here’s a preview of some random parts before I post the final product.

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