HGBF Zaku Amazing

I picked up the Zaku Amazing back in the Build Fighters heyday of 2015. It seemed easy enough to build at first, but as I started to prep the parts, I noticed all the issues of the kit and got somewhat discouraged. The kit would be shelved and put into storage…

Earlier this year, I finally decided to move from acrylic to lacquer paint, and I needed some sort of guinea pig kit to practice on. It was time to finish what I’d started 3 years ago.

I really love the design of the MS. The extra bulk of the shoulders and legs really adds to the silhouette and overall tankiness. Unfortunately the kit is based off one of the older HGUC Zaku kits and as a result the poseability of the kit suffers greatly. The arms don’t bend more than 90 degrees, and the legs barely move at all due to all the bulk. And as per all Zaku kits, the power cables on the backpack connect to the waist, essentially stop the torso from moving at all which further limits posing.

As with all older kits, there are a few seamlines, with the major ones being on the forearms, legs and weapons. The ones on the arm are trickier to fix since the elbow has to either be painted and masked off first, or you need to do the C-mod. I opted to paint and mask it before painting the arm itself.


This being my first time using lacquer paint, I decided to keep things simple and just used the premixed Mr Color Gundam paints.

Pink – Mr Color Char’s Pink (100%). Bit of white and bit of yellow added for highlights

Red – Mr Color Char’s Red (100%). Bit of white added for highlight

Black – Mr Color GX Black (100%). Bit of white added for highlight

Internals – Tamiya Gunmetal

Grey – Black (80%) + Neutral Grey (20%) followed by Black (60%) + Neutral Grey (40%) for highlights


Action Pose

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