The Jedi Knight Chronicles – Part 5

Having completed my mission on Tatooine, I'm sent to Alderaan next, future home of Princess Leia and doomed to be blasted to bits in Episode IV.

Somehow though it feels like I've landed in the Swiss Alps instead.


The next objective is a weapon called the "Death Mark". It's basically an orbital laser which can shoot ANYWHERE on the planet. And yes of course the Imps have seized control of it.


Which is demonstrated on this guy as he shortly has his face melted off by A GIANT LASER BEAM FROM SPACE.


Anyway, it's first on this planet that I run into a player on the opposite faction. An Imperial Agent (stealhed) ambushed my while I was walking down the road, and despite being my first fight, I "almost" won.


My saltyness leads me to a fulltime obsession with PVP.


Back to the story, it turns out that Aleyna Hark (the green woman from the previous screenshots) is actually an Imperial spy, which is how the guy in the same room as you managed to get zapped.


After beating her down, she gives the coordinates to where the Death Mark controls are...


But it seems elsewhere Master Orgus Dinn has gotten himself into some serious shit with Darth Angral.




I'm left to deal with a Lord Nefarid, who is a real pussy and decides that hiding from me is the right thing to do.


Oh yeah, did I also mention that during the fight he actually tries to use the Death Mark on you? Luckily there's a giant circle where the laser will shoot and it's easily avoided.


Eventually he shows himself and I slice him to bits.


And with that I blow up the Death Mark control system.


Back on the ship I'm told that Master Orguss managed to put a tracking device on Angral's ship. And the last sighting was at a planet called Uphrades.


Well fuck.


There's a nearby civilian freighter (swarmed with Imps btw), and after liberating it, we learn that Angral is headed straight for Tython next.


The only thing left to do is infiltrate his ship and just blow shit up. So easy! Sorry was too busy killing stuff to take pictures.


And with his defeat, brings the end to the first chapter of the game. I'm a hero AGAIN, and Kira gets promoted to a Jedi Knight. She's still my bitch though. Next time on Jedi Knight Chronicles, Act 2!

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