God of War 3 – Molten Cerberus Boss Battle Strategy (Titan)

At one point of the game you’re forced to fight a ‘Molten Cerberus’ boxx which spits out little exploding smaller versions.  As you start pulling off heads off the boss, you get 1, then 2 satyrs joining in the fight.

Now while this fight probably won’t give you that much trouble on normal or easy, on Titan or Chaos modes, it is literally your worst nightmare, because the satyrs have extremely high health, unblockable attacks, and don’t stun very easily, and blocking is not an option because the explosions from the dog are not blockable.

After about 2 hours of epic fails trying to beat this encounter, I finally managed to beat the boss with a relatively easy to do strategy that has a low reliance landing Gorgon summon.

Here’s how I did it.

You’ll need Claws of Hades at level 3 at least, for the Gorgon summon spirit, and hopefully max Blades of Exile.  Hopefully by this stage of the game, you have near max magic as well, cause you’ll need as much as you can get.  Also make sure you go into the fight with a full Rage of Sparta bar.

First head

At this point, the fight is still relatively easy. Just damage the cerberus as much as you can, while taking the least amount of damage possible.  When the grab prompt comes up, hit circle and begin the next stage of the fight.

Second head

At this point a satyr shows up to make your day.  Ignore him for now, instead, activate Rage of Sparta and just put the beatdown on the cerberus.  Hopefully before RoS runs out, you’ll have gotten the Circle prompt to rip off the second head.  Grab it to proceed to the final stage of the fight.

Third and final head

A second satyr will have joined the fight, again ignore them for now.  Run right to the cerberus and continuously cast Army of Sparta until you get the circle prompt.  Hopefully you have enough magic to kill it with some spare.

Now you’ll need to deal with the 2 remaining satyrs.  If you have any magic left, an easy way to kill them is to line then up and then use Claws of Hades summon magic to summon Gorgon.  If you are lucky you can stone both of them in one shot and kill them easily.  Hopefully you have enough magic left for more than one shot of the Gorgon summon.  Even if you don’t have enough magic left, or miss the satyrs, the satyrs by themselves are no where nearly as hard as with the boss around.

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