Stage 30 – Straight Fulcrum

A few more guys get CA.



Stage 30: Straight Fulcrum


We find ourselves back at the front door of Scotia labs (all the way from stage 1), with Crow finding himself piloting a crappy Axio against a whole bunch of DMs, the MD and Marguerite.  There’s no SR point condition yet.


Run Crow, run!


On turn 3…


Tria says the Blasta is finally repaired, though Marguerite won’t have any of this.


Esther wants revenge against MD and launches in the Blasta.


Aim shows just up to make things more complicated.


Somehow the secret VX engine has finally activated.


Oh did I mention Crow is at 200 frickin morale?


Crow tests his new SPIGOT weapon attack on Marguerite.


A bunch of stuff happens.  Marguerite retreats, and a few more DMs spawn.


And finally ZEXIS arrive. I decided to deploy Sara, Fey and Harry Ord in the Methuss so I can level them up as well.  You only get the Gekko-go for this mission 🙁


Finally, the SR point is revealed.  Destroy Arietis (Aim’s mech). Retreats at 10,000 HP.


Here’s the map after ZEXIS arrive.


End of turn 3.


Turn 4.  That’s alof of DMs in one place.  Anyway, Aim and the MD Rhino always go for Crow.


End of turn 4.


Turn 5.  The set up I have is Daiguard surrounded by repairers and suppliers.  I put Support Defend on Daiguard so he can tank damage for Crow etc and people can repair him to level up.


End of turn 5. Slowly whittling away the MDs with Exia, Zeta and Dancouga.


Turn 6.


End of turn 6.  I’ve finally destroyed everything but Aim and MD, who I will take my sweet time to mercilessly destroy MWAHAHAH


By turn 30, I have Sara at level 99.


By turn 56, Fey and Harry are also level 99.




SR Point get!


I was planning to use Camille to reduce MDs HP down before killing him with someone else, but the Hyper Beam Saber one-shotted him instead :S


After the stage, Tria breaks the bad news to Crow.

Since the CEO of the Axion Foundation is now part of the Imperium, Scotia Labs doesn’t have any funds to repair the Blastia. Instead she has to use Crow’s money, which amounts to 2 million G.  Although she deducts 10,000G because Crow (or rather Camille lol) destroyed MD Rhino.


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  1. Dark_Monster210988

    I can’t understand how they can level up so fast like that. I tryed but the exp I got very low. Do u have video to show me how to level up fast like this? Thanks

    1. YJ

      It’s faster for me because my Daiguard is already level 99. The first time I did it it took about 200 turns.

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