Stage 19 – Everyone’s Justice

All about Daiguard

The split is over and I have access to my Supers again!


I realized that Daiguard has pretty shit stats against Air and Space, so I put an A-Adapter on him.



Stage 19: Everyone’s Justice


At the start of the map, its just Daiguard and the Heterodyne.


5 Player turns to destroy everything for the SR Point.


More problems as turn 2 rolls around as the WLF Terrorists rock up.


Since the Heterodyne seems to regen any damage I do to it, I go for the terrorists instead.  I also put Iron Wall on Daiguard.


End of turn 2.


Daiguard takes a fucking beating on the enemy turn.   Luckily with Iron Wall on, he manages to tank through all the enemy forces as well as defeat a few units.


On turn 3 Lockon shows up.  There’s a short scene where he destroys one of the Genocidrons attackin the town at the bottom of the map.


The rest of the squad shows up as well.


We’re on a tight deadline to get rid of this mess in 2 turns.


By the end of turn 3, most of my army is still closing in.  I had to retreat Daiguard because he ran out of SP for Iron Wall.


On turn 4, some of the enemies move in to attack my forces, making my job a little easier.


End of turn 4 and I’ve charged through the main enemy forces.


Turn 5 and only 4 enemies remain.  I think I’ve got this.


I let Daiguard do the honours with his Knot Punisher attack and get the SR Point.


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  1. Darkjas

    r u alive?

    1. YJ

      Yes, what gives the impression I am not?

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