Famitsu reviewer’s comments for Original Generations 2, interview with Terada

Following on from yesterday’s Original Generations 2 score article, here’s a summary of the Famitsu reviewer’s comments, who generally praise the amazing battle scenes for their anime-like quality. The article also has an interview with Terada on the production of the game.

The review states that the game will have between 60 to 100 hours of gameplay.

The game scored 9,8,9,9, giving it a total score of 35 out of 40.

Reviewer 1

The battle scenes’ quality are really amazing.

Load times are prompt.

The Ability Slot System brings a new element of experimentation to the game.

デ:戦闘シーンのクオリティが非常に高い / ロードが気にならずサクサク進行 / 新要素ではアビリティスロットシステムの組み合わせを試行錯誤するのが良い

Reviewer 2

I’m really impressed by the beauty of the dynamic battle animations.

It’s disappointing that the conversations are not voiced, but the (Twin) Battle System is fun and compensates for it.

乱:更に美麗でダイナミックな戦闘アニメは感動物 / 会話シーンにボイスが無いのが残念 / ツインバトルは長所を伸ばしたり短所を補ったりと組み合わせが楽しい

Reviewer 3

The smoothness of the animation gives me goosebumps!

The Archive mode allows new players to catch up with the basics of the story.

The 4 person simultaneous attack “Maximum Break” is a masterpiece!

滑らかで細やか、迫力もあるアニメが鳥肌物 / 基本を学べるガイダンスや過去作の物語を紹介するムービーもあり初心者も安心 / 4機一斉攻撃のマキシマムブレイクが圧巻

Reviewer 4

The battle scenes are flashy and have an anime-like charm to them, especially the Maximum Break attacks.

The game is well paced.

You can organize Twin Units in the Intermission now.

I like that you can review the past story in the Archive.

ジ:バトルのアニメが魅力、特に合体攻撃やマキシマムブレイクはど派手 / テンポ良く快適に遊べる / インターミッションでツインユニットを簡単に編成出来る / アーカイブで過去の物語をお復習いできるのも良い


You should buy this game!

Reviewer 1 – An excellently crafted game.

Reviewer 2 – A significant evolution of the genre on the PS3. A must-buy for fans!

Reviewer 3 – This game will make fans cry tears of joy.

Reviewer 4 – Robot fans definitely do not want to miss this.


Interview with Terada

The article also had an interview with Terada. Here’s what I could pick out:

Development of the game began after OG Gaiden. He spent over a year planning how the battle scenes would look on PS3.

There were challenges of making the 2D sprites on the PS3. At first the game only looked slightly better than what you’d get on the PS2, certainly not the quality they wanted. The decision was made to go to 3D backgrounds so more dynamic camera angles could be used.

The Twin Battle system can overcome many unit’s weaknesses, so he want people to try many different combinations as possible.

Previously SP Regen was a purchasable Pilot Skill, it is no longer the case. The skill is still in the game though, but only a handful of pilots have it.

Equip-able weapons, even the weak ones, will have some kind of ‘special effects’ (whatever that means).



















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